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Middle and High School

Our middle and high school is made up of Christian students who profess their faith in Jesus, and can encourage each other as they grow in Christ.  We have high academic standards, with a great Christian curriculum taught with in-person instruction.  Every day starts with our students and teachers sharing prayer needs and praying for each other.  


Our goal is for every student to pursue God, and His plan and purposes for their life, doing their best in their education and with all their talents for the Lord.  Wherever our students are called, whether it’s the business world, teaching, missions, or serving in a church, we work to prepare them to make a difference for God wherever they go.


Quality Education

We teach Abeka curriculum, which is Christ-centered, and each subject is taught with a biblical worldview.  Abeka math is not a common core curriculum, and it gives students a great understanding of the math standards they need.  Our teachers are passionate about teaching and investing in youth.  For grades 6-10, each day has a study hall where students can work on homework and get help in areas where needed.  Every student will have a Bible class where they learn the Word of God and memorize Scripture.  For electives this coming year, we are offering PE, art, and music.



Your student will be surrounded by other Christian students who can encourage them and have fun together in a godly environment.  Our weekly chapel services and Bible classes will help students have a deeper foundation in the Word of God, teaching them to apply it to their lives every day.  Our passion is to help students discover and follow their God-given purpose, so they can grow and pursue the plans He has for their lives.  

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